What is at the bottom of your ocean?

Thought experiments are gateways to finding inspiration and new paths towards your goals and wants.

Dive into this thought, what if you could explore creative thinking like the ways we explore the ocean, what do you think you would find at the bottom? Could you even reach it, if you did reach the bottom how would your ocean change because of that? The deepest oceans have layers of water which have different properties and conditions. Some are salter, others dense and darker. Each layer holds unique features, beasts and other life. Our own explorations of the ocean have barely begun. Less than 5% of the world's oceans are rumored to have been mapped.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash


Id wager the creativity you can find in yourself is much the same. So lets get you exploring it!

Why should you? Walk with me, down the aisle of your local grocery store. Lets take in the view of all the chips on the wall you can buy. All the flavors, some tasty, some awful. You only know the difference because you have tried them. Further to same point you find different flavors and styles of chips at different stores. Which you only know because you've ventured to different stores in search of different chips.

Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash


Wouldn't that be an enjoyable result from exploring a creative pursuit, finding new flavors and styles of thinking you can enjoy? Not convinced, lets explain how to cultivate are stronger connection to our wants/goals. By journaling about past experiences we felt motivated from we glimpse the connections there. We can reference those notes and descriptions of past experiences to find new experiences with similar characteristics. Developing from these further experiences, we learn and connect new dots. All while exploring what our creative muscles can be capable of. For instance, try drawing the same leaf with only two colours. Each attempt using a different combination of colour pairs. I think you'll even find a more easy example just googling for images with the same ideas.

You wish to dive the depths of your own ocean. Remember deeper is the point. Its about exploring layers that you find along the way. I hope you find clues and knowledge that can help you achieve your wants/goals by doing this. As you explore experiences that deepen your understanding you'll want to journal any notes you have during that time. No matter what don't fall into the trap that growth has limits, fail forward into the truth that you must go it at your own pace for your own reasons. To find your own golden moments you'll share with others. Start, restart, keep trying and you'll dive into an ocean of amazing ideas that come from places you dared to see.

Thanks for reading,

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